origami dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are one of my most favorite origami topics.
the extremely cool
rampaging Tyrannosaurus

by Fumiaki Kawahata
from "Origami Fantasy."
(Origami House)

15 cm square yields model 11 cm
tail to snout.

made from foil-backed paper.

click here to view a 360 degree
gif animtion loop! (35K)

Dinosaurs are one of my most favorite origami topics.

by Fumiaki Kawahata
from "Origami Fantasy."
(Origami House)

25 cm square yields model 14 cm
tail to snout.

made from thick craft paper.

Dinosaurs are one of my most favorite origami topics.

by Fumiaki Kawahata
from "Origami Fantasy."
(Origami House)

15 cm square yields model 8.5 cm
tail to snout.

made from foil-backed paper.


by Fumiaki Kawahata
from "Origami Fantasy."
(Origami House)

25 cm square yields model 15 cm
tail to snout.

made from thick craft paper.

the back of the Stegosaurus
shown above.

more origami here!

Origami Index

A robot I built with origami


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